Parent Information -> Parent and Citizens Association

Parent and Citizens Association

Parents and Citizens Association

Seaforth has an active and supportive P&C Association.  The P&C is a valuable group of volunteers who:-

- Foster community interest in educational matters; and
- Assist in the provision of resources, facilities and amenities for the school.

The Seaforth Primary School P&C contributes to and enhances the learning of all children in the school.

The P&C is always looking for new parents or guardians to assist them, whether it is contributing at regular meetings which happen once a term, or helping out with a fundraiser eg Easter Raffles or an event such as Sports Day and Halloween Disco.  Each parent and guardian is urged to consider how best to offer their time and talents to assist in this task.

There are many benefits of being a P&C member, it is a great way to meet new people and make new friends!  Please come and join us, membership is $1.00 for the year and you can join at any time during the year.  If we don’t have the people to help, our children will miss out.  There is so much we can accomplish together!

P&C Committee members elected at this year's AGM:-

President Joy Verco
Vice President  Renee Leheste
Secretary Cherie Fingland
Treasurer  Georgina Gibson

P&C meetings are held during the third week of each term - day/date to be decided.  Meeting dates will be advertised on Compass and on posters throughout the school.


Book Club

Scholastic Book Club orders are organised by the P&C Association. Cheques should be made payable to Seaforth P&C Association.